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What do you think makes a 5 star product? Rate your pleasure buys for your chance to win a LBDO $125 gift card.

Head online to find the product you have already purchased or used. If you are an existing customer, you will have recieved an email to review the products. Click on ‘write a product review’ on the product pages and tell the rest of the pleasure community what your favourites are and why!

Here are some review writing tips:

  1. What you see, smell and feel! Your top tips for using the product and what makes it so pleasurable.
  2. Not too long, not too short. 70-200 words is just about right.
  3. We understand that sharing intimate details come easier to some. If this doesn't come easy to you can share your review of your LBDO products anonymously or as an alias first name. Your entry will still be valid along as your email address is correct - which will not ever be shown to the public.